Congratulations to Miroslav Liskutin

Many congratulations to

Moc gratulujeme

Miroslav Liškutín

Miroslavu Liškutínovi

who celebrates his 95th birthday on 23rd August 2014.

k 95. narozeninám, kterých se dožívá 23. srpna 2014.

Miroslav served as a pilot in 312 Sqn during WW2.

Miroslav byl ve druhé světové válce pilotem 312. perutě.

At 95 years young, Miroslav is in reasonable health despite the demands of being a grandfather and great-grandfather – much easier being in a Spitfire!

V devadesáti pěti letech je stále svěží a těší se dobrému zdraví, je dědečkem a pradědečkem – což je hodně jednodušší, než být ve Spitfire!

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8 Responses to Congratulations to Miroslav Liskutin

  1. Captain M Haynes (Joe) says:

    Mr Liskutin ‘Sir’ it has been my pleasure to have made you acquaintance and live so close to a real hero.

  2. Lou Juggins says:

    Having escaped from the German occupation of Czechoslovakia to fight in WW2, Miroslav went home after the war and joined the Czech. air force. He then came under threat from communists, so he sent his English wife and their young son Tony back here to the UK., and then escaped again to live here permanently. It’s good to know he managed to get here and be safe. I am particularly pleased because I worked with his son Tony, and Tony’s wife, at the Ferguson television factory in Gosport for many years and they are a thoroughly nice family. However Tony never talked about his fathers exploits, so I only found out by accident after the factory closed. Miroslav wrote a book so if you get the chance read it because it is an incredible story that deserves a wider audience.

    [Moderators note: The book is ‘Challenge in the Air’ and details here.]

  3. Barry Kudlacek says:

    Mr Liskutin Many congradulations on your birthday and flying a Spitfire again. What was going through yor mind ? You have come a long way from when you and our father Jarda Kudlacek were in training at Olomouc in 1938. I would like to take this oppertunity to thank you for your patience and help with my research into the Czechoslovak air force overs the years that I have known you. Your family must be very proud of you. With your help the website is growing. This was our aim from the start. Hope you and your family have a good celebration God bless B.K.

  4. Sharon says:

    Všechno nejlepší a děkujeme

  5. Linda Vejlupková says:

    Mr Liškutín, congratulations on reaching such a magnificent age. Kind regards also to your son who I was able to speak with on the phone some five or six years ago, but was unable to follow up our conversation. Nigel Spencer expresses it all in his comment above. Linda Vejlupková (daughter of Josef Vejlupek who later changed his name to Joseph Walters. Still living in Cambodia)

  6. Peter Doktor Canada says:

    Happy birthday Mr. Liskutin, you’re my hero….

  7. Nigel Spencer says:

    Wow! Congrats and all my respect, Tony. You flew for all the guys, like my father, who aren’t here to do it. Lucky man, flying in a Spit…again! What I wouldn’t give just to do it once.
    Hats off.
    Nigel Spencer,
    son of Sgt. Rolf Ewart Spitzer, Ground Crew.

  8. Zdeněk Samek says:

    Vážený pane Liškutíne, přeji hodně zdraví a hodně štěstí k Vašim narozeninám. Děkuji Vám za vše co jste udělal pro to, abych já dnes mohl žít ve svobodné zemi. S hlubokým respektem Zdeněk Samek

    [Moderators translation: Dear Mr Liškutín, I wish good health and good luck for your birthday. Thank you for everything you have done for it, and I am now able to live in a free country. With deep respect
    Zdeněk Samek]

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